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Stats? o-o
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Posted 139 Months Ago
Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 3
I can't figure out what the stats do exactly xD So far I have 2 in body, 1 in heart, 4 in rush since I'm only level 2.
I've been seeing a lot of people taking rush and I don't understand what it does haha what do all the stats do???
Posted 139 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 74
Body is damage per hit you do
Rush makes you faster, higher chance to multi hit
Heart gives you more health points
Defense makes people do less damage to you
Soul increases Magic Points, you can cast more spells
Mind increases your damage from spells
Posted 139 Months Ago
Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 87
Thunder: "Rush makes you faster" - wat.

Rush increases your chance to dodge, and the chance to multi hit.
Though, it depends what class you want to go. If you wanna be a tank for instance, you'll put MOST of your points into Guard and Heart, and maybe some into Body to scale it.

If you wanna be an assassin, then you'll put most into Rush & Body so you dodge more, and when you hit you hit more than once in big amounts.

Mages would obviously put most into Soul/Mind, etc etc etc.
Posted 139 Months Ago
Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 87
I also forgot to note that Rush gives you first turn.

If Player A had 30 Rush, and Player B had 29, Player A would be able to attack first.
Posted 139 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 74

Thunder: "Rush makes you faster" - wat.

It's pretty understandable if you think about it, you attack first and if you're fast you might be able to do more hits in a single turn.

Rush increases your chance to dodge, and the chance to multi hit.

Rush does increase the chance to multi hit and the chance to land an attack on the enemy, I don't think Rush increases dodge chance, if I had to guess that would be defense.
Posted 139 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 433
Rush increases dodge
Defense increase block
Soul increases miss

Posted 139 Months Ago
Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 87
Like Arun just said, it does increase the chance to dodge. I'm PRETTY sure it still increases the chance to multi hit unless Arun removed that feature, but he was making it an attribute of Rush when I was playing.
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