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OP Items or Full Trading, voice your opinions
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Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 433
OK, there is a dilemma with full trading.

Rare and unique items no longer hold value once you're past a certain level, that includes crafted items (think Hendynx armor) and monster drops (Earthbound blade).

The issue is that more and more people will eventually acquire it, and people that no longer need it can trade it down, thus these items stay in circulation longer. These rare and unique items aren't just about looks, they do more significantly higher damage and defense than the store bought items.

So no one at that level has an incentive to use store items, once they person can get these "OP" items. I view crafting or drops fair game, but acquiring them through trading seems illegitimate, since they will be passed down once the previous owner no longer needs it, while more people acquire it legitimately.

So essentially, the rare items become less rare, and people who acquired it legitimately start having the item devalued, and people will stop using store items. So it comes down to a few options:

1. Switch back to limited trading - only stash items can be traded. Items you claim are yours and only yours. I think this would make the game more successful, but the downside is obvious.
2. Keep full trading but power down the "OP" items to the same levels as store items, so it's more about looks than stats. I'm leaning toward this,
3. Do nothing. Hah, not happening.
4. A working suggestion from you for both issues.

What's your take on this?
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 14
I agree with #1 but I think all crafting mats should be tradeable regardless of whether its in your stash or in your inv.
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 4
I'd go with #2 as it seems more logical to the game.
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 54
Maybe have OP drops that last for like 5-6 days and only 3-4 of the drop can only be in circulation. If 4 people already have it, it will stop dropping till the item expires?
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 3
#1 or make them extremely rare.
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 433
Thunder suggested a 1 month free trading limit before locking items, but I think 7 days would be more fitting (most people can level up multiple times in that time frame).

Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 12
I think you should take a page out of another game's book. Put wearing down of items in the game, make it so that a sword can only go through so many hits (say 1000) before wearing down. Once it wears down completely, it disappears. This, or permadeath (where when you die, you lose all of the items you are wearing).

This way, items automatically reset themselves. Otherwise, with full trading, rarer items would eventually decline in value as you said.
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 120
OP items so i could scam them all day, and yea 7day trading would work, or people have to buy a "potion" to "unbind" an item so they can trade it ONCE
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 24
There is a problem with your game its drops arun .
You see these so called rare items(like earthbound) arent rare and therefore it loses it value very fast .
if you want rare items to "keep" their value you have to actually make them rare .
Posted 137 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 433
Trust me Drake, they are rare.

You keep going through one dungeon, you're bound to eventually hit a boss (which have a too high occurrence rate ATM). Most people may stumble on a boss 10 times by the time they outgrow the dungeon and move on. Unfortunately at the moment, there's no higher level dungeon. Taking that into account, I feel the drop rate is pretty decent, I don't expect players to grind a dungeon when they can go level up on higher dungeons.
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