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[Suggestion] First Quest/Mini-Dungeon
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Posted 115 Months Ago
Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 15
Hey guys I wanted to share something with you. Ever since I saw this website on MPGH I saw such great potential! That being said it would be a tremendous honor to be able to contribute to it. Thus also being said I bring you the first possible quest and a mini-dungeon! I made the dungeon vector art using InkScape and the dialog. **I DID NOT make the skeleton spirit** The skeleton is just there for inspiration. I cannot make sprites as good as that so if you can't beat em' join em'.......


Q: Where do you think this dungeon could be implemented?
A: Perhaps make a button if you accept it in the dialog window that teleports you to the graveyard

Q: That's so dumb! You can just do the quest over and over again!
A: No just add a cool down timer :P

Q: What will this drop?
A: Not exactly sure maybe a rare chance of a ghostly set designed but you guys.

A: What is the quest reward?
Q: 300 Gold pieces or higher depending on the cool down timer.

Q: What is the download link for?
A: The developer, although feel free to download it :v

Q: The forum post's format is whack you idiot!
A: Sorry there isn't a preview button

Q: This is dumb
A: Sorry I tried

Q: You didn't answer any of my questions!
A: Post it in the comments please and I'll be sure to answer it ASAP
Posted 115 Months Ago
Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 15
Download link including FLASH CC version and VECTOR ART:!jNRSiDzR!G4AU0Q3zfHcVkT9CdVI98imH6mZxyeS6wvjLvwvcLLk
For the drop question I ment to say designed BY you guys not BUT...
Sorry for the long = signs -_-
Posted 115 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 433
I actually like this idea a lot... It might be implemented in some form or the other, not sure I plan to add a graveyard at this point / location, but it's definitely a cool idea for a quest.
Posted 115 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 433
Bumped for bug testing / fixing.
Posted 115 Months Ago
Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 55
This is all literally from Adventure quest worlds nice try bud
Posted 115 Months Ago
Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 105
This is all literally from Adventure quest worlds nice try bud

So what if he took it as an example? Everyone has to start somewhere.

OT: That dungeon seems like a Halloween theme dungeon, mhm.
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