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Different and basic builds,
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Posted 138 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 52
If you're new here then I'll be showing you where to start and what you should do. Don't listen to people who say "Put it all in body and rush.", It's not even like that. As you probably already know you need certain stats for certain equipment.
Posted 138 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 52
This build is what I like to call the Warlock. Basically what you're going to need it start off with body, rush, and health. Those are they main things you would want. Be sure to meet the needs of the equipment you want. In this case you will need elemental weapons. Once you've gotten up to a certain point you can gain elemental weapons. Currently starting at level 8 with the Aquarius dagger. Once you've gotten the dagger get as much mind and rush in as possible. Keep doing this build until you get around level 12-13. From there on you will need to convert to health and body. Now repeat it and have fun. You'll be strong mentally and physically.
Posted 138 Months Ago
Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 12
Could you help me with my build?
Posted 138 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 52
This is called the tank build. Alright to start off as a newbie you want to start with body and health. This is your main objective although you may want to assign your skill points with the ones according to your armor that will be present in the future. You won't need a shield as you will be working with two handed weapons. Rush is optional but not recommended. You will need a bunch of body before level 7 so I'd suggest you put most in body. Once you've reached around level 9 just dump your points into health. Now you will hit hard and be able to take damage.
Posted 138 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 52
This class is not recommended for beginners right now as it takes skill to manage this build. Our own head admin (EcronFura) is currently working on this build. Your weapon will only be mainly bows but you can also work with daggers. Mainly you will need rush and guard but body is great to have. I won't go that much into depth because it's really self explanatory. You just try to be untouchable and hit many times. I assume this class with soon be OP. Though if it does EcronFura will nerf it.
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