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BattleTale 1.63.00 Patch Notes
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Posted 141 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 433
BattleTale 1.63.00 Patch Notes:
- Optimized player unit and fixed animation bugs
- Fixed handlers not being removed
- Fixed numerous miscellaneous bugs
- Fixed "/sit" command not showing up in "/help"
- Added "/time" command that returns the game time
- Added "/whisper" (Shortcut "/w") command that sends a message privately to another online player
- Added "/reply" (Shortuct "/r") command that responds to a message privately sent from another online player
- Added "/attack" (Shortcut Shift+Left Click) to perform an attack animation
- Fixed incorrect command entered message being displayed improperly
- Optimized unit profile interface and scripting
- Fixed player HP trail not working
- Fixed HP and MP not being set instantly on creation
- Added radial player menu for player interaction
- Added Player vs Player battling
+ No longer has to be done from a separate connection
+ Initializes battles real time to make possible battling while connected to the world
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