BattleTale 1.88.85 Patch Notes
Posted 124 Months Ago
Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 433
BattleTale 1.88.85 Patch Notes:Posts: 433
- Changed loot reveal to happen consecutively and faster
- Changed attack trails to fading
- Added customized weapon trails for different weapons
- Added chat channel notification
- Fixed certain tooltips not being removed from display when source is removed
- Replaced player profile graphics with vector graphics instead of bitmaps
- Fixed right side battle slot player heads being blurry
- Fixed defend not reducing damage
- Fixed lottery not updating player's gem total on gem win
- Updated battle menu icons replacing bitmaps with vectors
- Fixed items not showing for 90% sell back, if selling within 24 hours
- Fixed star command button not working after battling
- Added item type filter to stores
- Fixed inventory scroll not readjusting when switching tabs